Sunday Roast

Sunday Roast

The Sunday Roast is Britain's most famous dish and you can have it anywhere here in London, from pubs in your neighbourhood to high end restaurants. However, there are only a few places that make the best Sunday Roast and one of those is Small and Beautiful. Obviously, restaurants can never compete with the one cooked at home while everyone is gathered in the kitchen chitchatting and enjoying the nice smell that comes from the oven, but I found that homey feeling at Small and Beautiful when I had my first full roast there. For the first time I didn’t have to clean and cut the potatoes for my aunt and boy I was so happy to just sit and enjoy my meal. I went for the beef option, but they serve it with lamb too and trust me it’s soooo tasty. My favourite part of the dish? Oh, I can’t choose between the potatoes which were so crispy yet so soft or the Yorkshire Pudding that are my biggest temptation. The meat was cooked perfectly well. I always go for medium rare and the gravy just made everything in the plate taste better. They serve broccoli and carrots with the dish too, but you can also choose different sides if you think you want more food. There is no doubt that I ordered an extra Yorkshire Pudding since the dish is so healthy and I was also eating broccoli :P  


When it comes to the drinks, people normally order red wine with this dish. Indeed, I would recommend a bottle of “St Hallett Garden of Eden Shiraz 2009” from Small and Beautiful Wine Boutique if you go for the beef option or an “Ondarre Rioja Crianza Rivallana 2014” for the lamb. 

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Lastly, I just want to invite you to try it this Sunday because it is so tasty and don't forget to take a picture and share it in your instagram :)  #smallandbeautiful